Bling Car Competition Rules

Bling Car Competition Rules

Sontaj Game Bling Car Competition Rules

Here outlined below are the Sontaj Game Bling Car Competition Rules for partecipantion.

Basic Requirements under the bling car competition rules:
(1) Sontaj game participants who wins must have a valid national ID, Passport or Driver’s license.
(2) Participants 16 to 17 years wishing to enter competition must have a valid school ID and his guardian must be no younger than age 35 years and do have a valid National identification card, Driver’s license or Passport.
(3) Each participant must have a reliable mobile phone and access to the internet.

Rules of Sontaj Game Bling Car Mega Million Giveaway:

  • Sontaj game bling Car Mega Million competition game challenge will be published in the member’s area of our website. Must have a free account to participate in the competition.
  • Participant must have a valid ID to claim prizes won.
  • Participants 16 to 17 years can enter competition with a guardian no younger than 35 years.
  • A winner must amass no less than 20 points to claim the prize. The competition shall continue until the twenty points mark have been reached.
  • The competition will give one new game to be solved each week.
  • Five game points will be given each week.
  • A participant can win only one point each week.
  • Participants in the competition can submit as many entries as they choose within the time specified.
  • Participants must find and submit the correct matching letters required to complete the game challenge.
  • The game uses nine letters from “A” to “I” which can appear only once in a row or column.
  • The participant will be asked questions for which the answer is found in the game. You must think to solve.
  • How to play and solve the game is provided on the game site Bling Car competition area.
  • The names of winners will be published each week.
  • Players must score a total of twenty (20) to be among the winners.
  • The cash prize will roll over at the end of every hundred points that are issued, therefore if there are no winners the process continues.
  • Five Winners will be identified each week.
  • The first five correct responses to our game challenge each week will be awarded one point on each win.
  • Responses to the game questions must be sent to our text line number in the order required and as shown on the game page of the competition.
  • Game responses must be submitted within the time specified.
  • Sontaj game Bling Car Mega Million Competition Text line will open and close at a fixed period of time stated on website game page.
  • All games will be published for play on the Sontaj site.
  • A winner will be contacted by Sontaje to inform him/her of his points won. He can choose to accept or reject the winning point they have gotten. If rejected the point will go to the next person in line.
  • Implicit Craft will make five calls to the ultimate winner of the competition. If the calls go unanswered the prize will go to the next person in line.
  • The winner of the competition will have five working days from first contact was made to claim prizes won.
  • Cash prizes that are won in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars and above will be paid out in checque.
  • Implicit Craft reserves the right to publish the name of winners through any media of its own choosing.
  • A winner shall be responsible for his own statutory payments to TAJ if relevant to income.
  • No employee of Implicit Craft or his immediate family members can participate in this competition.


Implicit Craft does not warrant that the prize(s) won are without defects, it shall not be held liable for delivery of item to any location not explicitly stated. There is no guarantee that you will win anything from participating in this competition. We do not hold any responsibility for any one failure to learn how the game is played nor for successes.
We do not warrant that the game will always be accessible on site or that the site can be accessed at all times. We do not require participants to make any purchase from us in order to claim prizes won nor do we require bank account information to participate. Play at your own pleasure or risk, Implicit Craft nor its employees, associates or affiliates shall be held liable for your gain or losses, pleasure or displeasure derived from playing its game(s).


All games provided are delivered to the best of all knowledge in good working order for competition. All games are property of Implicit Craft and are protected by property rights and may not be copied and reused or sold without the express and written permission of Implicit Craft. Games provided are matched against an answer sheet for accuracy. However, we cannot warrant 100% no error as there is the use of human agent used in its graphic presentations. Winnings are determined by computer generated algorithm to identify each winner. In the event that there are any disputes this can be settled by arbitration between parties or failing to arrive at a settlement the courts in Jamaica shall be the final arbitrator. The Sontaj Game activity is a product of Implicit Craft and distributed in digital form for entertainment purposes. Games can be accessed from its website at and direct line number is (876) 613-0772 for query email: