Test Your Wits

Can you solve or find a missing letter in this puzzle?

The game utilize nine (9) letters from “A” to “I”.

Please find detailed information on how to solve this puzzle on our blog.

Quick Guide

Finding a letter within the game presentation (025A) can be done by following the steps listed below. As you can see it is all about logical thinking.

Here is a Quick Tip on How To Find a Letter.

Let us attempt finding a single letter.

In Row (2) under Column (9) which letter is missing? 

To find which letter is missing, first, keep in mind that no letter can be repeated under any column, row or in a square. Two letters are missing, letters “B” and “I”.  Where should letter “B” appear?

The letter “B” already appears under column “7” and “8” also within the two squares below, so another “B”  cannot be repeated in those squares.

The Letter “B” should logically appear in row “2” under the letter “E”. To complete column “9” the letter “I” would appear directly under the letter “D”. If you can find a single letter you can play Sontaj game.