Irie weekend cash winner


Play Now Our Irie Weekend Game Challenge For The Cash Prize.

The Irie weekend game challenge provides opportunity for persons who listen Irie FM an opportunity to test our game. Click join to become part of our Sontaj smart game challenge community. Signup and play today. The join to play button will be removed from this page after the Irie weekend game day challenge has commenced.

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Win The Takeaway Cash In This Irie Weekend Game Challenge

Become the first of five winners to walkaway Ja$10,000 cash if you can find the correct three (3) letters as they appear in our smart puzzle.

  • Find the missing letters that we seek.
  • Arrange the letters in correct order as they should appear in the game.
  • Submit your answers to our game text line number.

Here is the task, correctly complete to win the cash prize. The Irie weekend Game challenge make winning easy.

In the game provided below, under column 7 three letters are required to complete the puzzle. Using letters “A” to “I” find the missing letters and the correct order that they should appear. No letter should be repeated in a column or row. Be the first to send your answer in to our game text line. To submit your answer, each letter must be separated by a comma.

The Sontaj Irie Weekend Competition is Now Official Open.

Sontaj Irie weekend game challenge is now live. Find the solution we seek.

Answer For The Sontaj Irie Weekend Cash Giveaway Competition. Competition date: April 5, 2024

How To Play

This Is The Official Game Revealed For The Sontaj Irie weekend Cash Giveaway Competition.

Find in the game displayed the letters we seek. Under Column (7) list in order the missing letters. Using letters “A” to “I” to solve. There are Three (3) letters missing. Text your answer to (876) 444-4207 If your answer match the solution we seek the cash is yours. However, you must follow the rules.

Sontaj Irie weekend CASH giveaway line is now officially open Friday, April 5th at 5pm and close on Sunday, April 7th at 10pm Eastern standard time.

Click Here to access Competition Rules

CLICK Here for quick instruction on how to solve the complete game.

Need more help to solve please use our blog.