Sontaj Mega Million Play

The Sontaj game brings its new opportunity for persons to play and win cash each week. You must have a membership account to participate in its game challenge. Every mega million play give players chances to be the ultimate winner.

How to participate In Mega Game Challenge

Here outlined are the basic requirements to participate:

  • To participate in the game challenge requires person to be a member of
  • Sontaje offers a free membership account. However, to open an account require a valid email address and a user name.
  • The challenges are based on a weekly invite for participation, therefore the game can be accessed.
  • Invitations will be sent to the email address that was provided also by SMS.
  • From each game presented you are to find the correct answer, it therefore you win all four challenges the prize is yours.
  • Players who win only one challenge will have a claim on the prize.
  • Send all answers to the text line number shown on the game, furthermore ensure to observe all rules.
Picture of woman in mega million prize win challenge

How Take Away The Ja$1,000,000.00 Cash?

To win is super easy but it will require quick thinking. You can have success by playing smartly, therefore place focus on playing often and responding quickly.

Are there any limit on how many times you can participate? Enter each week as many times as you want and follow the clues or tips given.

Each game may its own sets of requirements please follow them. Here are some basic information to get started which is our Privacy policy and Terms and conditions.