Pick Game To Play From Below

From the games listed below pick game to play as this will take you to the next level of access to the challenge. Choose a game that you wish to play and get the information or just start playing if the window is open for play. You can enter to play any game of choice. There are no restrictions on entry or how many time you choose to participate, the cash you win is 100% yours.

Practice Games

Practice games are provided to help each player to develop and refine their skills in playing. However, where there is no practice game available a player can use the game provided to conduct continued practice.

There are no penalties to play or not to play and you have nothing to loose and everything to game from game to cash in hand.

Win Ja.$200,000 Cash

Win Ja.$200,000 Cash

Start Here!

pick game to play for enjoyment and fun

Music Challenge

Click Go Button

hi you can pick game to play from the presentation.

Mobile Challenge

Click Go Button